Thursday, 16 October 2014

OUGD404 - Task 1 - Design Principles

I explored three different typefaces that I had never used before, using the letters A,B,C,X,Y,Z in upper-case and lower-case form, I produced these letters in all three fonts I chose, to a 10/10 cm scale. I then took my 12 separate print outs to the class to create something new with my group. Each person had created these separate print outs, each person in the group had chosen three different typefaces to use. So we began by discussing and conversing the characteristics of our letters and the fonts we chose. It is actually very interesting to see how each font we were looking at differed from one another, even fonts that looked almost identical when looked at closely could be separated because of the slight differences, because of the way the designer had created that typeface. 

After sharing the typefaces we had chose we each selected our favourite from our print outs. I really liked the typeface 'Amarta' Purely because in the font I had used, to me, looked 'strong' and 'bold' yet 'personal'.
Everyone in the group chose their favourite font and we discussed the reasons why. We then put all of our favourite pieces together then worked to create a completely new font! based on all of our choices. After a some development we had created our own upper-case and lower-case font, which we had decided to call 'Gothura' it had a Gothic, stylish and bold look to it. When deciding on one final word to describe our new design we agreed on 'playful', in relation to this we then made costumes completely of paper.. so based on our final descriptive word, we had made a outfit which seemed to be a cross between a king and a clown. which surprisingly being made out of paper turned out to be a successful attempt at costume making.

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