Monday, 19 June 2017

OUGD505 - SB02 - Development and Final designs

After carrying out research into art method of Russian Constructivism, The issues in Chechnya and research into design that inspires and informs I have managed to work on and complete a series of posters which I feel really represent Chechnya in a new and fresh way whilst also having the ability to inform people of the issues currently taking place.

The first design expresses method of Russian Constructivism in it's strongest form.

I really love how this design has turned out, it is definitely one of my favorites. I have really tried to use the power of contradiction to give this design an edge. By incorporating a manipulated image of the Chechnya's leader in a style layout which would seem he is supporting gay people rather than abusing and killing them along with A Russian design method and my choice in caption really makes for a design which I at a personal level would be happy to represent myself.


The second poster design of this series has a lighter use of Russian Constructivism and instead expresses a much more emotional design, one which emulates the 'idea' in which I imagine the victims of homophobic abuse in Chechnya to feel and using empathy to imagine how I would feel if it was myself going through the same issues which thankfully I am not.

The final design is uch different to the first two, mostly because it focuses on the use of text rather than the use iof image to express a message. I have design this poster by manipulating tect to represnt cage bars. These cage bars in essnce express the current state of the country, and what The coun try of Chechnya actuallt feels like to a lot of gay en who have no escape and must suffer with the constant fear of being abused. I kept this desdign black and white becvause I rerally wnated to draw attention towards the avtual text and the image in creates and expresses. I think it is really important to see Checnya as it is.. A prsion for many thousands of people.

Monday, 12 June 2017

OUGD505 - SB01 - Leeds Indie Food Festival digital design

After experimenting with different typefaces and images, I feel that I have completed the digital poster design for this studio brief. I am pretty excited to take my design to the next stage which will be screen printing in gold and silver. 

I have created the design with simplicity and having the ability to draw attention to the design in mind. 

I feel that I have created something which expresses a different style from my usual outcomes. 

Mostly because I have tried to revolve the design around the word 'Indie', creating something more individual and different to what you would normally expect to see. the best part of the design I think is the onion in the middle, I think an onion is such a simple thing, a vegetable that is used in so many 100's and 100's of dishes and meals, and for that reason, I think it is the best piece of biological matter to represent this poster.

I will now be taking this design to the next stage which is screen printing.