Thursday 1 December 2016

OUGD503 - Substantial project - Adobe Brief - Anxiety/Depression

I wanted to take a bit of time to move away from looking at books and images within books and the description that comes along with them. Instead I decided to go online and search around for other artists that have decided to transform emotions linked with anxiety and depression into an art form.

I have come across quote a few different websites were artists have done just that. The first really inspirational artists that I came across was an illustrator who lives with anxiety and depression just like myself and used his illustration skills to express what it feels like to live with these emotions 24/7.

I really love this artists designs, However I feel that I will plan to create something more natural looking and image based rather than an illustration, but still this artists designs give me so much inspiration towards my own designs. 

These designs even make me laugh at the fact that they are so relatable. The artist has really put an unexpected enjoyable spin on the above moods and emotions that are linked to anxiety and depression. As sadly funny this may seem it does give a sense of relief that someone else out there understands there same feelings. 

This is the same connection that I want to achieve with my designs. I would like people to look at them and feel a connection to the designs. 

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