Saturday 20 May 2017

OUGD505 - SB02 - Further research in Chenchya

Carrying in my research into the events in Chechnya.

Research and news reports show that Chechnya's rulers deny the alleged abuse towards gay people in the country. However, a recent report which I have found shows that gay men are seeking refuge in other countries because they are scared of the what is happening to other gay men in Chechnya. I believe that if there really was not such a situation taking place like the ruler stated then gay men would not be fleeing to other countries to try for safety.

There are currently 5 countries in the world who are offering support to gay men in Russia.

One of the countries has stated that by doing this and helping these men, they are also sending a message to Russia, 'we are helping your citizens who's rights have been abused'.

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