Tuesday 6 January 2015

OUGD405 - Brief 03 - Design process

For this brief I will be working on from the work i produced from the previous brief and apply it to a new idea. I will be basing this brief on my research theme and using adobe indesign to create 5 double page spreads, one page for each 20 areas i researched. The final piece of work will be a multiple of 4 pages.

I will be going to two indesign inductions to help refresh my abilities on the application, so i have the best possible start when creating each page for my book. 

The main point of this brief i think is how i am actually going to present all the information and images, what the format of the book will be, so i carried out some research on different magazine and book layouts, looking at the original style of how books are layer out and the more creative style where images and text are pushed past the boundaries on each page to represent a stronger personality and a better thought process of creativity. 

I have carried out some research relating to how books, magazines and page layouts, what they look like, how they are put tother using the elements of design, images and text. 

Also i want to look at grid layouts, how they are used to set up the page and design it. 

This shows how different book and magazine layouts can be designed on completely new and interesting ways, How the image sand text haven't been kept in the boundaries of each page is brilliant, i think things like this really relate to the reader and captures their attention much more than the normal page layout design.

It's almost like the page has been used as a canvas for the design work that is being placed on there. 

These images show a more basic grid system to how books are laid out. It gives me a good idea of where i will probably start from when applying my own research to my book or magazine design.

I will attempt to try and relate to my research in my own work. This is the first time i have ever tried making a book so the research has definitely helped give me some inspiration.

Even though my book displays all the information that is needed, i am not happy with how the design has come out. I feel like it definitely lacks the image i had in mind to begin with. However i am looking forward to having the chance to print my book out properly with better stock. I feel that i will be a lot more happy with what I have created. 

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