Monday 16 November 2015

OUGD503 - Penguin Random House Design Award - Brief

'The Penguin Random House Design Award is an opportunity for students on an Art or Design course at HND or degree level to engage in design for publishing during their studies and to experience real cover and page layout design briefs first-hand'.

This Competition consists of three different briefs, A different book belongs to each brief. The first brief is Adult fiction cover award and the pre selected book is 'A clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess'.

The second is the Adult non-fiction award, the pre selected book is 'How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran'.

The third is the Children's cover award, the pre selected book is 'Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner'.

After a little research on each to understand more about the requirements for each book cover, I have decided to choose and design a cover for A clockwork orange by A.B.
I feel like I would be able to create a very effective and eye pleasing book cover for this 1975 movie.

Below is some information which I collected from the brief section on the website which tells me the conditions that I will be working in.

 'A Clockwork Orange is as dazzling and inventive to new readers today as it was when it was first published half a century ago. The story is well known both in celluloid and print so it is essential to come at it from a fresh angle. Try to design a new cover for a new generation of readers, avoiding the obvious clichés. Originality is key.
Your cover design needs to include all the cover copy as supplied and be designed to the specified design template (B format, 198mm high x 129mm wide, spine width 10mm)'

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