Wednesday, 4 May 2016

INTERN Magazine Workshop

A visitor came into the college to work with the whole studio, separating into groups to to each work on a concept and design for an independent magazine.

Working within my group we decided to create a concept for a magazine which shows fashion from different cultures. We got this idea from the culture within our group, since each member of the group was from a different country, it made a lot of sense to create something that expressed our different cultures. 

The idea was to create 3 different magazines, one for Britain, Spain and india. We wanted this to be a collection of designs for different styles of fashion, which would be used to educate and get more people interested in the different types of fashion that is out there.

For Britain we wanted to concentrate on the more urban and youthful styles that are pretty popular at the moment. Easier styles and more comfortable fashion. 
For Spain, we wanted to concentrate on the style of flamenco. A very expressive and serious/colourful style.
For India we wanted to concentrate on the fashion that is available for events, such as weddings, Since the fashion for these events are always very beautiful and expressive.

When we had the concept figured out we then moved onto the designs, one for each country. 

We wanted each design to communicate the individual style of each country, also since each magazine will be different we wanted to change the placement of text on the image, to avoid a boring looking set of proposal designs.

I worked mostly on the designs, I asked the group for feedback and help with image choice and placement.

When the designs were completed we could then work on the presentation to talk about the concept and designs that we had created. Below is the completed presentation and designs.

I was very happy with how the presentation went, We seemed to be able to effectively get across our idea of creating a magazine that collected fashion from different cultures.

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