Sunday 13 August 2017

(NEW) OUGD505 - SB02 - Research - Minimal Colour inspiration

After researching into some modern booklet designs I soon realised that getting the colour way correct for my design may have a very large impact on the overall and some individual aspects of the design both inside and out. 

So I started some research into images that expressed objects and similar events that were created with minimalist colour and tones, and style that most would say is fairly modernist, which is the style I would prefer for SB2.

Pinterest seemed to be the key for this so below are the images that I absolutely loved.

And a few points on why and how they are relevant to my booklet design.


The Image above displays s collection of colours that I find aesthetically pleasing, I'm not sure how but these colours and shades work very nicely together and create a sense of joy, this maybe something to take forwards into the colour of vector shapes. (shaping used to enhance design and structure).

Acknowledging the fact that the colour way is monochrome, the layout of this image is what interests me most. It is beautiful and delicate, it's quite and interesting imager to look at, there is so much detail and the it's the layout which clearly breaks the expectation of what people are used to seeing. The layout is something I will take inspiration forwards to my booklet design.

This photography piece is equally beautiful. The models dark skin contrasts so well with the cover design. The shades of grey are very pleasing and balancing.

I appreciate these shades and I may possibly take them into my design as inspiration

The same again for these shades

I find the negative space works well with the image of Londons network and the monochrome colour way creates a fairly modern design which would also work well for my booklet design.

I adore this product design. The chalky deep grey is a wonderful hue combined with the deep greens from the herbs and olives, really makes for a beautiful combination, very modernist.

The shades of greys in this image are very calming and express maturity.


I also came across these images of modernism and minimalism being brought into peoples homes. These monochrome shades make for a very beautiful and calming space. Drawing so much attention to detail, layout and material.

The images above display shades that I would like to take forward into my booklet design as inspiration of modern design and layout.

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