Monday, 5 March 2018

(repeat year) OUGD505 - SB01 - Intro

Below, placed a snapshot of relevent information from the online proejct informatiopn source.

When my tutor orlando was expplaining this proejct to me I became failry interested quickly and it was nice to have a chnage in proejct comapred to previous tutors droning on with unispiring projects.

The goal of this project will be to experience the sound of a vast amount of music 'MicroGenres', by using a website which was archives 100's of different (MG) music examples. Then to choose one of the MG that would become the focus of this proejct. 

To then take the chosen MG and research it's origin and other relevant information up until the point I feel that I hav e gained enough knowledge to comfortabbly understand the Genre to a full extent and then design a response through which ever medium prefered.

Using the link provided, research into various MG's could begin, As you can see below from the screenshot of the MG archive, there is a vast amount of various MG's to choose from.

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