Saturday 5 May 2018

OUGD505 - SB01 - Using the sound of New Age music to create Images

So to create images to use in my responsive designs for this project, I will be using the song which I mentioned in my last bog lEnya - Only Time.
As I listen to the song I will begin to draw various images on paper different emotions.. using the sound of Enya and the feelings her song produces should allow me to create expressed images in which I will be able to use as researched inspiration.

Whilst listening to the music multiple times, I took a 4H pencil and began to draw various emotions, I then went over these drawing with a fine liner which would help in transfering these images digitally.

Below you will see the drawings that I produced whislt listening to the music

The designs are very different depending on what mood they belong to.

The designs that I will create on my T-shirt prints will not neccerseally look like these designs above. However the designs that I do end up creating will be loosly based on the shapes and layouts of my drawing based from enya - only time.

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