Sunday 2 November 2014

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 04 - Poster Research

I have been given the task to research various types of posters, so i have a broad range of different designs and styles.
This will help me to understand how a message is given through a piece of advertisement art.

I really like inspirational and posters that promote positivity, at the same time I love the idea of something being simplistic and easy to connect to, a poster should be able to get a message across instantly.

Below are a few poster motivational and inspirational poster designs from which I liked:

Music Posters - 

Festival Posters -

Posters for advertisement -

All these designs produce a separate message, with a different style. Looking at each poster you can see how the use of shapes and grids have been used along with any text to build up the effective image. I love the simple use of colour and shading on some of these designs, for those that express a mix of various colours help to keep the design interesting and attractive.

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