Sunday 9 November 2014

OUGD404 - Fire Exit redesign

We Explored how a 'Fire Safety sign' plays an important part in society and every day life, even though it is a very minimalist design with very little use of colour and shapes, it is a widely known and recognised piece of deign. 

In this session we were given the task to re create the Fire Safety sign in our own image, keeping it simple and to the point. We were able to alter the design in any way we wanted, use any colour, shaping and text. 

We were split into small groups, and together we explored a range of ideas and debated on what elements would be used in our final design, some time after playing around ideas on the mac and discussion we worked on the final piece.

Whilst sticking to the original design, we explored a different shade of colour, a different font and a different layout. We were happy with the final outcome because it expressed our own ideas for the re design, it related to the simplicity of the design and at the same time it was easily understandable and produced the message which it needed to. 

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