After viewing and listening to various NAM artists, I came across a group called 'RuneStone' Their music sounded quite interesting, So I continued my research into their origin and work. As retro as everything seemed.
Runestone is the name of a New Age music Group, made up by Chris Green and Robert Fenner (New Age musicians). Both artists are established multi-instrumentalists which in their albums include the use of keyboards, guitars, mandolins, native american flute, world percussion, tibetan bowls and the gong. Which means the duo focus heavily on eastern born instruments. The duo or Runstone as they are named first appeared on the New Age music scene in 1993 and has since produced a catalog of eleven albums.
Runestone have come across to be quite a traditional New Age band, as in the sounds they they create come across very stowic.
Below is an example of so,e of their work, which I found quite relevent.
I then took a little look on their websit and came across their vast catalog of music, which shows me that these two artists have been creating music for quite some time.
Below a snapshot of their website (not the easist no navigate but the difference comapred to todays websites which are so clean and finished, it is quite a pullback in time, which I find apropriate for the subject)
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