Monday, 30 April 2018

OUGD505 - SB01 - New Age Music Origin Research 02 + 02.5

Below I discuss more about the origin of the New Age Movement

Theosophy, New thought and Transcendentalism among many others attempted to incorporate the general idea of Buddhism and Hinduism with western mystical ideas and cultures, many new religeons argued for a correspondense between conciousnes and the physical world.

In short meaning; How one thought and felt had consequences in the real world
By the beginning of the 20th century, new religions that utilised techniques drawn from eastern religions that utilised techniques drawn from eastern religions, such as meditation or alternative medicine - Spiritual healing which was spreading across the united states.
The 1960’s saw a huge increase in the amount of alternative spiritualities - baby boomers (people who were born in the years during the marked increase of births following the second world war) - they were disappointed or disillusioned in the idea of the conservative American culture, who then sought spiritual fulfilment outside of Judo-Christian lifestyles.

How did the 'alternative practices link to New Age Music?

Research 02.5

As people began seeking other fufillment through the practice of spiritual healing and mental traquility. People soon began to relaise that a certain type of sound was needed to enhance the proccess of these alternative practices. 

This is when New Age Music really became a 'thing', as it was around the same time that a lot of artists were experiemnting with electronically produced music.

Rock Music

How did the experimentation of electric music and rock music form the prominant creation of New Age Music?

Muscisions and music groups such as tangerine dream created and used electric instruments that would produce beautiful electronic sounding music, which stemmed from the creativness of soft rock. These creative sounds grew and grew to form collections of songs that were used in the practice of alternative medicines and from there new artisits formed who created their own marks and stories in the genre of New Age Music.

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