Monday 30 April 2018

OUGD505 - SB01 - New Age Music Research 03

I have continued research into the New Age Movement and how this cretaed the Genre 'NAM'.

The 1970’s showed that large numbers of people were practicing crystal healing, yoga, macrobiotic diets, astrology, and many more alternative medicines. 

These alternative medicines needed a soundtrack; a kind of music that was much less aggressive than rock, which would be able to serve as a soothing background for New Age healing activities

During the 1960’s and 70’s, there was a huge amount of experimental and electronic music that was highly influential for New Age Music. In Germany around the same time - experimental music flourished within the (so-called) Kraut rock scene. In particular, the synthesiser-based electronic music of Tangerine dream served as an important influence on what would become NAM. 

This genre is also known as Cosmic music which is a broad genre of experimental rock that developed in Germany in the 1960’s. 

The name Karutrock was given to experimental German bands who’s music drew from sources such as psychedelic rock, avant-guard, electronic music, funk, minimalism, jazz improvisation and other world music styles.

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