Before creating design ideas for my repsonse to this project, I wnated to research some various Milk Carton Designs first.
I believe that iver time I have seen some amazing, innovative designs printed onto the medium of a milk carton, My favourite out of all being this example below.
A Graphic Designers CV printed onto a milk carton..
Which I think it amazing and I would be massively surprised if he didnt get the job he was applying for with this thing. What I find most inspirational about this, is that the design and style of a typical milk carton is kept, he sort of uses that as a guide as to wear to put i formation about himself for the employer to read, apart from that it is very beautiful to look at bcause of the use of vivid colours.
Below I have listed some more examples that I found very isnpiring and idea engaging.
I liked this design for the simplicity, the colour use is minimal, I love the teal green against the black, it looks very proffesional and tranquil. The use of boxes around the text seems to bring a sense of order to the design which I think it was the designer was goung for. That I also like.
The design above is one of my favourites, Just the use of colour for each type of milk really makes the oevr all designs. I like how the cold use of colour shows which type of milk someone is buying. It resembles the same use of colour that you see on plastic milk bottles in the supermarket, but the designer here has taken it to a whole new level.
This design is a lot more illustrated and delciate, mostly because of the joice in typeface. Also the use of an earthy tone for the colour really works on a milk carton and it seems to work very well against the text and the cute image of the cow. The typoeface chocie is a good one, as I believe the text is making some kind of statemnent, I feel that it works very well.
I'v seen cravendale in the supermarkests, although i've never come acrosss this design before. I like the order, simplsicty and the slight touch of colour on each type of milk bottle. I also like hpw the designer has goven the cow som sort of humanised personality, with the wi nking of one eye and the straw in his mouth drinking the milk.
I don't believ that these cartons above are actually miulk cartons however they look very similar. These are juice cartons and I absolutely love them due to the spaciousness the designs seem to display between the images and the text. I like the simple use of pastel based colour also which gives a very nuetral feel to the design.
I beloiev the design above doesn't need an explanation.
These designs are awsome. By far one of my favourites, They look so modern and sleek, and I would feel quite proud picking one of these up in the supermarket, The use of colour makes the design, especially the light blue, the whole deisgn is colured on one colour which I love. I think the simplicity really works well.
Definitely my number one favourite, mostly because of the use of black against white. The obscure glass of milk design onj the front of each is very clever and modernised, not just that but the name 'LACTO' has something to it which draws you in. The design in general is very simpliostioc and beaituful and quite different to what I have seen so far.
Again another more simple design, very delicatley presented and the softer colour tones really help the fact that this is a bottle of milk, yet the designer seems to have gone for a more strigjt forward layout. Which can be very pleasing to the eye.
These designs are amazing, the use of colour and shapes I like but it's the actualy shape of the packaging that I love, it's very geometric and unexpected and I feel like it breaks the bounderies of the expectations that msot people have when it comes to how packaging should look. I can imagine the prices of these bottles of milk to be fairly high..
I believe that the design above is some sort of experiment, at using the shape of a milk boittle to present a design instead of a flat piece of paper.
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