Tuesday 1 March 2016

OUGD503 - Responsive - Secret 7 - Research

I want to use the colours blue and silver which communicate with the song Clearest Blue for my secret 7 design. 

I want to carry out some research into designs that possibly connect with music in some way, that experiment the with blue and silver, hopefully to gain some ideas and inspiration for my own design. I also want to do a little research into any designs that connect with the the key words collected from Clearest Blue.

I found a few other images, mostly album covers which had used different shades of blue and greys/silvers

I really like the different balance of greys and blues in some of the designs above. I especially like the designs that only have a note of blue, designs that haven't gone over the top with colour use I feel are more effective than other.
I would love to achieve something similar with my designs whilst concentrating on my key words to create a more explanatory design.

I also came across a small website that displayed a vast amount of colour codes, which was useful to me when looking at different shades of blue and silver/grey. I want to use this website to help me get the best balance of colour in my design.


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