Thursday 24 March 2016

OUGD503 - YCN - WRAP Recycling Campaign - Development

I have been working on some names for the campaign, I have played around with different words that express the campaign image. After some thought I have decided to use the name 'GreenerStudents' I think this is the best name to use because it is short and to the point, I also think it will work well with any kind of medium I design to connect students with the recycling campaign.

'GreenerStudents' is the best name I can think of for the recycling project so far, So whilst I am waiting for more responds to my questionnaire I have began experimenting with the brand name with it's colour and typeface.

my first type face experimentation is called 'Plantiya Regular'

From this font could be useful to the brand because it the image is quite imperfect, and since this the brand is for recycling I feel the style can go either towards something that is perfect or imperfect depending on the image that I want to produce, however at this moment in time I am not entirely sure what image i want to produce.

I also used HEX colours to experiment with different shades of green, I am not exactly sure what the main colour will be for this campaign but I felt green was the best place to start. 

I feel as though that if there was a bolder font available in this typeface then I would probably opt for that one, for impact purposes. I will continue to experiment until I have found a good font to use as a base typeface for the whole campaign.

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