Monday, 14 March 2016

OUGD503 - YCN brief - WRAP Recycling campaign - Research

After carrying out some research through asking questions to other students, I then wanted to carry out some research into campaigns that deal with advertising, I am hoping that there are companies out there that have created campaigns about recycling that have largely included the mindset of students and where students stand with the idea of recycling, this way I can get a good idea of how these campaigns have included the student population with recycling and conserving materials. 

Since the overall idea is that students do not really participate with recycling and thinking about conserving the worlds quickly draining materials. I want to get a better ideas in which the best way will be to go about using my design work and incorporating that into a brand which will inspire students to get more involved with recycling from day to day.

The first campaign I want to take a better look at is the 'Recycle Now' National campaign. Since this is the countries current campaign that is used by everyone, I want to take a look at the design work and language used.

There are a lot of branches within the recycle now campaign, each for a different type of material that the world consumes, such as plastic, glass, food, water ect. Each section of awareness uses the same similar style of branding but is altered to suit the cause. My favourite so far from the recycle now campaign are the designs to stop food waste.

The current subject on the food recycling campaign, is recycling food to create energy to be used for communities. I think the design work for this campaign is very effective, using images in very clever ways to create a message.

The designs are very effective because they incorporate images of wasted food and electrical energy. with the messages incorporated into each design makes towards a really effective campaign. 

Another subject is on plastic transformation materials. The designs for this campaign I found really funny and interesting.

I think these designs work amazingly well, because the materials that are being advertised have been given a living style of thought process which gives a sense of personality to each design. I think it is an idea that works really well when connecting to the public.

I have also come across a recycling campaign created by students that aims at students within manchester. Targeting student living areas where levels of recycling are low. The campaign is called 'Golden Bin' and the campaign was made with the hashtag #rubbishselfie 

The campaign was all about promoting the waste and recycling disposal system that a lot of new students are un familiar with in manchester. The idea was a student to take a selfie of them recycling and in return their selfie could win them prizes.

The students that created the campaign had contacted companies such as Tesco and Whetherspoon to donate prizes for students that took part in the #rubbishselfie.
The campaign turned out to be quite successful with lot's of students taking part and posting with the hashtag.

It seemed that a lot of the promotion of this campaign was done through social media, which was quite clever. There are also some attractive designs that were created which were spread across student living areas in manchester to promote taking a rubbish selfie in return for possibly winning a prize.

The campaign was quite extensive as it took over two academic years from start to finish. The campaign seemed to be very successful as after the campaign was over there was a 37% increase rate of students now recycling more and being more aware of waste material.

This is a really good example of something I would like to achieve with my recycling campaign.

Continuing my research into similar recycling campaigns involving students and their lifestyles. I cam across another that was similar called 'The recycling games'

the campaign was created by students to work with students at the university of bolton, the concept was to create real life recycling games that could be played on and off campus, in hopes to increase the level of recycling that students do. 

The games were fairly strait forward, students were participating in a race to see who could collect the most recycling items. the idea and theme of the event which was held at the university of bolton campus, created a lot of awareness especially with students about the importance of recycling. 

The designs for the event are fun and lively which is good for attracting the attention of students.

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