Thursday, 28 April 2016

OUGD505 - SB02 - LGBT rights capaign research

During my research I also wanted to take a look into issues that are not so offensive and issues that are also closer to home. Regarding homophobic abuse towards same sex marriage and same sex couples. Recently there was a post made by the guardian about people being attacked for negative behaviour towards same sex relationships. 

This post is very interesting because it touches a lot on the issues of today, such as sexual identity and the touchy feely subject of being discriminated for negative comments made against LGBT people. What this post talks about is that opinion of a conservative in England that feels that too many people seem to tread on eggshells when it comes to these issues, and that all can be done is treat people and current situations with the respect they deserve and nothing really more. 

Below is a link towards the Guardian post

I may decide to use the subject of this post in my own small campaign designs, The idea of being silenced or the idea that more should be sad about a situation than is needed. Or possibly situation where more care about what is said should be taken into account.

I really think I could find some sort of object that represents this certain subject in my photography work. Then I can combine this the idea I have of using colour to spread positivity on difficult subjects and situation.

Friday, 22 April 2016

OUGD505 - SB02 - LGBT rights campaign ideas

After discussing interest into the issues that are connected with LGBT rights across the world. I have become interested in the idea of using colour as a way to express confidence and strength against abuse and negative behaviour towards LGBT people. 

As colour is expressed through the use of all colours in the gay community. I do get the feeling that it will be challenging to use colour in a new way for a possible poster campaign as well as transforming this idea into a message. 

My idea is to use colour in ways that destroy the violent or disrespectful image of objects that represent any negative behaviour towards LGBT people. In the same way I want to create a new image and message that expresses confidence against homophobia.

I want to also first carry out some research into ways that colour can be used in the most expressive and physical ways possible. My hopes are to be able to create a collection of successful photos that I will be able to use in a choice of medium.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Graphic Design and awareness

I plan to carry out some research into the types of media that are used to create awareness for certain cause. In this case the cause will be about sexual gender and identity. A lot of things to do with LGBT related subjects are aesthetically promoted with a lot of colour, which is something that will be challenging for me since I usually like to work in black and white. Also I have a good feeling that designing for this the research I carry out for possible global issues connected with this subject, will also challenge me to possibly begin printing on other things as well as card and paper.

Hopefully this brief will give me the inspiration and opportunity to practice t-shirt printing.

My first main tasks are to begin my research into the main global issues that are currently taking place, to do with LGBT rights. After carrying out research into the biggest stories. I will then begin to work on a message, something that I can use to spread across a range of mediums, so that I can make people more aware of current issues. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 03 - Module Report

Below is a link to my personal report on all projects completed for OUGD503.

OUGD503 - Responsive - Collaborative - Final Designs and Problems

Below is the work which I created for the Orchard Pig Collaboration.

Above is my final logo design for Orchard Pig, for this design I took a lot of inspiration for contemporary beer bottle and logo research. That I mixed with what the design Style that orchard pig were requesting. I feel that this logo design meets what orchard pig have in mind and is a much more professional design compared to the their original design. I decided to work in back and white for the logo design because I am usually most conformable working in this style. Also I feel that the the black and white logo can be applied to any design with any colour.

After discussing ideas with my group, we agreed on keeping the use of bold colours which was similar to orchard pigs current branding and design. We felt the bold, strong colour use gave my designs an edge and really made them pop out when placed on a template. I decided on a professional and simplistic typeface to give the contemporary feel that orchard pig were looking for.

Above are my final label designs experimented with colour, each colour matches the style of cider that orchard pig makes, keeping the colour use a little constant with the original branding but making them much brighter and bolder to fir in with the positive theme that orchard pig explained.

I am happy with my design however since my group had a lot of serious problems which definitely effected the quality and amount of time that was able to be spent on the creation of branding. I feel that if that had not been the case my designs could have possibly been able to fully match the new re designs that orchard pig wanted. Even though I feel I have expressed that in my designs and logo, it would have been nice to have more time to work on the designs.

OUGD503 - Responsive - Collaborative - Research Contemporary layout

I wanted to become a little more familiar with what it takes to project a contemporary logo and surrounding design onto a beer bottle. I found a website called

This website displayed the template for designing contemporary beer bottles and how to lay out the design in the most effective way.

These images definitely helped me get a better idea of what to expect when applying my work to this style of branding.

OUGD503 - YCN - WRAP Recycling Campaign - Project/Campaign Proposal

OUGD503 - YCN - WRAP Recycling Campaign - Final designs

For the proposal I felt it would be good to create design that would be used in the promotion of 'GreenerStudents'. I experimented with more complicated designs and more colour than my usual style of working.

Below are my promotional posters for GreenerStudents recycling campaign.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - License To Print Money - Ideas

For my Bank Note design and keeping the future of currency in mind I want to think of an idea that deals with currency converting. Since there are now so many ways to pay electronically, there is less need for people to use actual physical cash when paying for something.
As a designer I really appreciate not just the purpose of using physical cash or bank notes, I appreciate the designs, imagery and colour that is used to design each bank note from different countries around the world. However I feel that to keep bank notes up to date with more modern and electronic ways of paying, the idea of paying with cash should be simplified.
My idea is to create a set of global currency that can be used all over the world. The imagery can be changed on the currency depending if the country would like to portray an image that represents that country in some way. However the idea is that I will design one bank note that can be used all over the world meaning there will be not need to convert currency before traveling to another country, and it will also stop the confusion of how to spend unfamiliar bank note designs in new countries.

For my design I want to explore the line pattern designs. I feel that line patterns are the best way to start with design, Since they are simple and can be easily altered in position, colour and size. 

For the imagery that will be used in the the design. I plan to experiment with images of the globe, possibly turning images of the globe into brushes to use in a repetition style on the template. I feel that this method will make it easier when it comes to preparing my design to hand print.

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - License To Print Money - Research - Foreign Bank Note Designs

Before I start creating my own bank note designs I want to carry out some research into foreign bank note designs and get familiar with the colours and images that are used to represent each country that the currency belongs to. 

I found a website that showed a big collection of bank notes from different countries. Comparing these images to the bank note on England is very interesting. A lot of the bank note designs are very beautiful and colourful. 

The first is Australia, I like the designs of these bank notes, they seem similar to English bank notes as they display similar images and style. I really like the purple/pink/orange design, I love how pretty it looks and the way it has been designed and laid out.

The next is Aruba, these designs are much more simplistic, displaying images that are relevant to the country. The colours are a lot more simplistic, it's nice to see something that has a lot more space and not so illustrated with design. I like the images of sea life, I think they are pretty cool.

The next is French Polynesia. These designs are my favourite so far, the images and earthy colours are very beautiful and perfectly illustrated. I think the multiple image use on the notes say a lot about the country they represent, which to me is very iconic.

The next design design is the Honk Kong bank note, I think this design is very interesting and warm. The geometric designs are quite attractive. There seems to be a lot going on with the image and design but the use of colour means that these designs become a little more iconic rather than a busy canvas.

The next design is from Maldives, this bank note is probably my favourite out of all the designs I have seen so far. It's so colourful and bright and I really love the design on the the front and the back. The detailed illustrated designs are very beautiful. I love how the design frames the images, probably taken in the country of the notes. I think this is very expressive and again quite iconic.

There are many other designs out there, however these above are my favourite so far, and have given me  lot f inspiration for my own designs. The use of colour and imagery is very interesting to me. I like how each country has projected their image onto the bank notes, it is a brilliant idea to mark where ever the design came from.

The website below presents many other Bank Note designs from countries across the world.

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - License To Print Money - Research - Types of Money

I came across a website that explains the four main types of money explains how money is used all around the world.

'' explains how these different types of money are used by us and government.

The website explains how each of the four main types of money work in society and how they keep the world running from banking to trading and business. It was really interesting to read how all money just isn't the same and money is used for different things to keep society running the way it does. Money has to be used in different ways and it is a lot more than just paying for something at a supermarket or going to a cash machine to withdraw some money. 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - License To Print Money - Brief

For this project I will be researching into global currency and legal tender, becoming more familiar with the design, creation and purpose of types of currency around the world. From this I will begin to create my own set of deigns, experimenting with a new design of a banknote. My design will become part of a show along with many other designs from my university.

I am pretty excited to start this brief, I think that bank notes are such an incorporated objected and symbol around the whole world in every country, with so many different designs, it will be interesting to take inspiration from the design of currency from different countries.
As there are so many different kinds of currency, names for money and designs, I will begin this project by researching the different kinds of money, preferably bank notes from around the world.