Thursday 14 April 2016

OUGD503 - Responsive - Collaborative - Final Designs and Problems

Below is the work which I created for the Orchard Pig Collaboration.

Above is my final logo design for Orchard Pig, for this design I took a lot of inspiration for contemporary beer bottle and logo research. That I mixed with what the design Style that orchard pig were requesting. I feel that this logo design meets what orchard pig have in mind and is a much more professional design compared to the their original design. I decided to work in back and white for the logo design because I am usually most conformable working in this style. Also I feel that the the black and white logo can be applied to any design with any colour.

After discussing ideas with my group, we agreed on keeping the use of bold colours which was similar to orchard pigs current branding and design. We felt the bold, strong colour use gave my designs an edge and really made them pop out when placed on a template. I decided on a professional and simplistic typeface to give the contemporary feel that orchard pig were looking for.

Above are my final label designs experimented with colour, each colour matches the style of cider that orchard pig makes, keeping the colour use a little constant with the original branding but making them much brighter and bolder to fir in with the positive theme that orchard pig explained.

I am happy with my design however since my group had a lot of serious problems which definitely effected the quality and amount of time that was able to be spent on the creation of branding. I feel that if that had not been the case my designs could have possibly been able to fully match the new re designs that orchard pig wanted. Even though I feel I have expressed that in my designs and logo, it would have been nice to have more time to work on the designs.

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