Tuesday, 4 October 2016

New! OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - Type in Context - project ideas and Urban Type Research

Because I have collected a different range of images I want to zone down on one idea that I will be able to talk about when it comes to filling in the text actions of my book.

The main Idea I had was to create a book which expresses an urban style, since I took my photos in Leeds city centre. My other idea was to design a book which expressed a more secretive and delicate style which matches the photos which represent a less obvious form of typography. 

'Urban book themes and ideas'

The idea I have for creating and urban themed book I would want to be a visible theme that can be noticed form the side of the book and the outside. The more urban photos that I have are mostly go shop signs, names of building, numbers and single letters, as well as some signage imagery. I love all of the images and If i did decide to go with a more urban themed design then I would collect more images which fit the theme more from possible various other cities apart from leeds, I would want to really look hard for examples of pure urban art and amazing images of urban typography. 

Thinking more in the future of this project when it comes to designing the cover and working on the binding of my book, the idea I have is to a roughed up/used look about the book, I would like it to have a worn out scrap book look about it, I feel that the style would really fit in well with the images and the whole theme. 

I want to carry out a little research into urban themes typography. 
I found a small collection of books that fit closely to what I have in mind for a possible urban style photography book. The first book I examined 'Mega City Photo Book' by Chris Osburn, which is a small book with a collection of city photos from around the world. Osburn collected a collection a photos which expressed the essence of a vast amount of cities from across the world. Within the book there were a few really nice photos which matched closely for what I have in mind for my own urban themed book. The book focuses mainly on areas of cities that you normally would not see unless you lived there. The images included a lot of different type either printed or sprayed onto walls, backgrounds and objects which I love, the photos are in great detail so I am able have an idea how long certain type has been their which gives a little old fashioned feel to it. 

I do really like the simplistic layout of the inside of the book, it is a nice design for a more modern photography book, and I think with the right stock use and binding method it can look very professional. I am not yet sure of the binding method and stock that I plan to use. But the layout from tis book is very inspirational if I were to choose a more sim plastic layout style.

The next book I looked at is quite similar to the first and focused images of New York, Chicago and Los Angeles images, the book showed the city images on a time scale from 1960 - 1980, I thought that this book would contain a lot of useful images of type within these cities that were used in the late 1900's, Since a lot has changed in media from this time to present, I wanted to lightly touch on the type that was possibly used more then and comparing it to the present day. 

I really love the layout of this book, it has a slightly more busy look to it because of the text but the image display is very similar to the first book. I feel that if I were to choose a simplistic layout for the book it would be similar to this style above. The stock of the book seems to be the usual gloss paper that most modern books use. Most of the images in the book are black and white which I love because it's matches the theme of then book that the author was aiming for, basing the images in the late 1900's..
The type that I collected from these images was very interesting, there were a lot if backgrounds that seemed to use Helvetica and similar typefaces, which does give the images a slight simplistic feel to them. 

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