Thursday 2 March 2017

OUGD503 - Responsive - Studio Brief 01

Foe this brief I will be creating design for a number of small projects as well as working on designs for one substantial project.

For the first small project for Responsive SB01 I have chosen to work on the 'Penguin Random House Design Award'. I usually enter this competition every year because I thoroughly enjoy working on book cover designs, mainly because I enjoy interpreting the subject of the story into the design that will be placed on the front and back cover.

This year the adult fiction book will be 'To Kill a MockingBird'.

I have never read this book, however I have heard a lot of comments about how amazing and interesting the book is, which makes me want to investigate more into the story. I do plan to read the book before I begin my design so I fully understand how best to interpret the story into the the cover design.

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