Wednesday 1 March 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Brief and Issue choice

For studio brief 02 I am required to research a topic of my choice.

"Examine graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change. Aim to increase your awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st Century issues. Be sure to note the interrelationships between medium, message, and distribution. You should then produce a body of research work that explores the connections between these concepts and their respective design outcomes prior to your own practical and conceptual exploration of possible products, ranges and methods of distribution that may be suggested by your preferred content or, indeed, those that reflect your own ideologies, concerns and/or ambitions".

For this project, my choice of a modern issue will be about the 'homophobic abuse and deaths that are currently and shockingly taking place in Chechnya.

The events that have occurred and are still occurring in Chechnya are very important to me, as well as constantly finding myself very emotional about the whole subject.
It is very important to me that I respond on a personal and professional level as a graphic designer to the issues.

I will first start this project by carrying out extensive research into the the issues and taking a look at the global scale responses to the current issues in Chechnya.

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